◆ Ingredients

● Refined flour - 115gm 

● Soda bicarbonate - a pinch

● Fat - 45gm

● Curds - 15gm

● Cold water to mix

● Cardamoms - 2

● Oil to fry (absorption) - 100gm

● Pistachio nuts - a few

◆ Syrup

● Sugar - 115gm

● Water - 30ml

● Lime juice - few drops


1. Sieve flour with salt and soda bicarbonate.

2. Add crushed cardamoms. Rub in fat beaten curds.

3. Add cold water to make a soft dough.

4. Divide into equal sized balls.

5. Flatten each ball between the palms so as to have the centre thinner than the sides.

6. Put into deep hot fat on slow fire; leave them in without disturbance for 10 minutes.

7. Turn over and repeat process.

8. When cooked, remove from fat and drain.

9. When quite cold dip them in prepared sugar syrup and garnish with sliced pistachio nuts.

10. To prepare syrup boil water and sugar and stir till dissolved. Cook to one string consistency, sprinkle lime juice.
